Wednesdays, 7 - 9 pm. Jan 8, 15, 22, 29, Feb 5, 12 (6 weeks).
EB $175/Reg $185
Please note: Students supply the materials for their course- see Supplies List below description:
Watercolour- Beginner (Winter)
Explore the gratifying process of watercolour in this beginner’s course. Learn to mix colours, use various brush techniques, find out about paper, and through repetition will gain confidence working with this medium. No previous experience is necessary.
Materials List
Winsor Newton Cotman Sketchers Box 12 colours
Watercolor brushes round #12 or #10, and #6, are all you will need. Taklon is a good synthetic. Sables are great. All brushes should bounce back to a point or their original shape. Wet them to find out. If they lie flat, not worth the trouble.
A palette (not plastic), ceramic is good, a white dinner plate will work
Paper: pad of Strathmore Watercolour 300 or 400 series or other 140 lb or 300gm cold press wc paper made by Fabriano, Arches, BFK, or Johannot
For clean up and brush control, rags or a sponge are best as a means to control the amount of water in your brush. With a plastic bag for carrying
2 Yogurt containers for water
A fine spray mister (sprayer)