Tuesdays, 1- 3 pm. Jan 7, 14, 21, 28, Feb 4, 11 (6 weeks).
Adv $175/Reg $185 + $30 materials fee
Learn the basics or improve your skills in two dimensional needle felting and wet felting with wool. You’ll be guided, through demonstration and instruction, in the creation of a woodland scene using the needle felting technique and a local urban scene in wet felting. All required tools and materials will be supplied to help you interpret reference photos supplied by the instructors. As well, you’ll learn how to enhance your work with stitch, bead, and textile accents. This introduction to felting is suitable for all levels of artistic experience. No prior experience in any medium is required, though experienced artists and artisans will be able to bring their specific skill set and experience to the projects as well.
LOCATION: 25 Regina Street South
Waterloo ON N2L1R8
Monday to Friday 9 to 5
Saturday 10 to 5
Closed Sunday
Membership and rentals:
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